by Libra | Jun 29, 2015 |
I.R.I.S. | INDIVIDUAL, REPARATION, INTEGRATION, SOCIETY Description The I.R.I.S project, has been presented in the field of L.R. 8/2005 – Dgr 1004 del 29/11/2013 by partners web that see as first in line Cooperativa Hike and unify Cooperativa Sociale Porta Aperta Onlus, Centro Servizi Volontariato Mantovano, Association Libra Onlus, FDE| Institute of Criminology of Mantua, U.E.P.E. Mantua and it involved different areas, among them that of the reparative justice of which LIBRA Association is the promoter. Objectives I.R.I.S., along with the experience gained in the past by LIBRA Association Onlus (project “RiparAzioni” 2013-2014), aim to reinforce the knowledge theoretical and practical and to diffuse a culture of reparative justice, considered as a possible answer to the failure of which we must take note, of the paradigm retributive-rehabilitative. Belongs to everyone, so also to society and not only to experts, the necessity to consider the crime not only, in formal terms, as violation of the penal norms, but also – and moreover – as a substantial point of view, where the deviant act is valuate as a damage provoked to the direct and indirect victims. Targets Operators of the network, Public Authorities, third sector and people that are subjected to measures of the legal authority. Working Group Leader Cooperativa Hike Partners Cooperativa Sociale Porta Aperta Onlus Centro Servizi Volontariato Mantovano Associazione LIBRA Onlus FDE | Istituto di Criminologia di Mantova U.E.P.E. Mantova e Cremona Casa Circondariale di Mantova The project is supported by Follow our project! News More information? Write...
by Libra | Jun 28, 2015 |
ALTERNATIVES TO IMPRISONMENT IDENTIFICATION AND EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES Description Since 1970s, the alternative measures have spread inside the Member States albeit in a non-homogeneous way. European Recommendations and national legislation press for their wider application, also considering the high level of recidivism linked to the expiation of prison sentences. So, it is important develop researches that are able to provide a panoramic about the alternative measures existent in the different European Country (Bulgaria, Croatia, The Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom) with a reference also to a particular vulnerable groups (i.e. women, minor, drug addicted, etc.), as well as of the most efficient in the reduction of the recidivism and of by the point of view of the balance costs-benefits. Objectives • Identification and exchange of good practices in the EU State Partners; • Diffusion of a culture oriented to the alternative measures and to the knowledge about the mechanisms of application between social and juridical operators. Deliverables Final Conference Pamphlet Alternatives Brochure Alternatives Sportello Vo.La Methodology (actions of the project) Literature review about the alternative measures in Europe; Identification of appropriate alternative measures existent in the Member States referred to the different phases of the penal process, focalised on the working mechanisms and on the reality of the alternative measures; Study-visits aimed to increase the aspects linked to the prison systems of the different US Country involved; Data collection and analyses about prison population andpersons serving their sentences in community sanction; Identification of good practices, with particular regard to the recidivism rate and to the balance cost-benefit of the measures analysed (compared with that linked to detention); Publication of Guide-manual explaining the most...
by Libra | Jun 27, 2015 |
INNES|INTIMATE NEIGHBOURHOOD STRENGTHENING Description The problems affecting safety arise in different ways. One of them is undoubtedly the preservation of security within residential areas: in big cities, in provincial ones and in neighbourhoods. Ensuring the expectation of “security” it is not simple precisely because of its aspects and segmentations which this term includes: criminal, social, work related, political, etc. In any case there is the opportunity to achieve a concept that identify itself with a precise goal, that is the need for the citizen to lead a regular life: a security intended as preservation of standard quality of life. The expectation of security of the average citizen is that which the places where he/she lives are not unsettled by events that modify his/her properties and in particular his/her routine. Objectives The approach with which INNES INNES (Intimate Neighborhood Strengthening) intends to face caused by the feeling of insecurity among citizens of the two cities part of the project (Mantova and Pegognaga) is essentially based on the strengthening of neighbourhood relationships. This method focuses on the concept of solidarity, social cohesion the increase of the social capital in residential areas through the creation and/or strengthening of the social connections among communities and institutions. We believe that this approach has developments not exclusively linked to the concept of normative security and so criminological, but also it is able to produce significant influence on the community that will decide to adopt it. Targets Citizens of Mantua and Pegognaga Working Group Leaders Fondazione Politecnico di Milano FDE| Istituto di Criminologia di Mantova In association with Politecnico di Milano Comune di Mantova...
by Libra | Jun 22, 2015 |
GO BEYOND THE WALL LEGALISE THE PRISON Prison is outlaw (CEDU, 2009, 2013) because… The dimensions of cells are inadequate The space per person often do not exceed 4 m2 It often lacks of places dedicated for meal time It is not re-edicative: 70% of peple that exit from prisoncommit another crime It does not protect family bonds It does not facilitate the social and working reinsertion It does not allow condemns to repair the damage provoked IN SHORT: it does not respect social rights! We can act if nothing of all this happen, in this way… The European Court, as it has already done in 2009 and 2012, will equally condemn us: 500 appeals about the inhuman conditions of our prisons are equally suspended and these will cause high costs for the community Prison will continue to produce new crimes and insecurities There can be no re-education and reparation of the damages provoked to victims and society It will be new excluded insted of social reintegration People will continue to give ” exclusive” labers to others The recidivism of crimes wille continue and there will be new victims and so insecurities IN SHORT: Contributors will pay all the costs! On the other hand, we can choose to intervene and so… We can promote the use of alternative punishments to prison We can avail in a better way of community service order, allowing to the offender of crime to become responsible and to confront his/herself with the community of reference about the damage caused and because we allow him/her to apologise publicly to victims and society...