by Libra | Jun 28, 2015 |
ALTERNATIVES TO IMPRISONMENT IDENTIFICATION AND EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES Description Since 1970s, the alternative measures have spread inside the Member States albeit in a non-homogeneous way. European Recommendations and national legislation press for their wider application, also considering the high level of recidivism linked to the expiation of prison sentences. So, it is important develop researches that are able to provide a panoramic about the alternative measures existent in the different European Country (Bulgaria, Croatia, The Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom) with a reference also to a particular vulnerable groups (i.e. women, minor, drug addicted, etc.), as well as of the most efficient in the reduction of the recidivism and of by the point of view of the balance costs-benefits. Objectives • Identification and exchange of good practices in the EU State Partners; • Diffusion of a culture oriented to the alternative measures and to the knowledge about the mechanisms of application between social and juridical operators. Deliverables Final Conference Pamphlet Alternatives Brochure Alternatives Sportello Vo.La Methodology (actions of the project) Literature review about the alternative measures in Europe; Identification of appropriate alternative measures existent in the Member States referred to the different phases of the penal process, focalised on the working mechanisms and on the reality of the alternative measures; Study-visits aimed to increase the aspects linked to the prison systems of the different US Country involved; Data collection and analyses about prison population andpersons serving their sentences in community sanction; Identification of good practices, with particular regard to the recidivism rate and to the balance cost-benefit of the measures analysed (compared with that linked to detention); Publication of Guide-manual explaining the most...
by Libra | Jun 24, 2015 |
LAVORARE PER (RI)ESISTERE PATHS OF EMPOWERMENT OF CULTURAL AND PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES FOR SOCIAL REINSERTION OF PEOPLE UNDER RESTRICTIVE MEASURES OF THEIR PERSONAL FREEDOM Description Starting from the concept of quality of life in the penal institutions and the concept of prison as a place for the rehabilitation and reintegration of the prisoner within the social fabric, it is certainly appropriate to increase the relationship between prison and society, between those who They are inside and those who are “over the wall”. Hence involvement both in Mantua that the Penitentiary Institute of the Office of Criminal Execution Outside of Mantova and Cremona. Thanks to ‘art. 27 of the Italian Constitution, the concept of rehabilitation of the prisoner is elevated to a principle of constitutional status, which must be understood as the development of the values of life in society. In order to increase these social values the prisoner will have to live in a proper context, both in terms of the spaces of the reports, which should be continuous with the external company, bond previously violated by the crime and need to be rebuilt with a view accountability and empowerment as well as restorative justice. The prison, and then the office EPE, should be considered as a natural continuum of the social fabric exterior, in fact the prison system lists which factors primarily educational work, followed by education, by the cultural, recreational, sports and bonds social, especially with family. The inadequacy of space intramurari, this hotel combines the precarious conditions of the living environment and socialization, it contributes to the dehumanization of the person and then to a gross violation...