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  DOMPET THE CONNECTION BETWEEN DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND PET MALTREATMENT   Description and objectives The general objective of the project “DOMPET-VIOLENCE: The Connection between Domestic Violence and Pet Maltreatment” is to understand the existence of this phenomenon, both in percentage and quality, knowing the relevance of the relationship between “mistreatment of animals and domestic violence”, with the aim to develop the awareness necessary, promoting specific measures of prevention (the so-called systems of “ alarm and early recognition”) as well as appropriate and right legislative actions for contrasting the phenomenon itself. Studies and researches conducted by scientist principally in the USA, Australia, UK, Canada and New Zeeland, have underlined the existence of the relation “pet abuse/domestic violence” with a perspective and purpose of prevention. (Volant, Johnson, Gullone and Coleman, 2008).   Methodology According to us it will be interesting and useful to examine and interview (in addition to women victims of domestic violence) also offenders of domestic violence, veterinaries, children in the schools, younger victims of domestic violence or children witnesses of domestic violence or mistreatment towards animals. Thorough the study of all the actors involved in this phenomenon (women intimidate/abused by their partners, younger victim of abuses in his/her family, witnesses of domestic violence, abuses towards domestic animals or men that committed that acts of domestic violence towards their family or animals) it will be possible to have an estimate of the phenomenon and a report existent between mistreatment of animal and domestic violence.   Targets Women victim of crime, youngers victim of violence and professionals operators Working Group Leaders: Associazione LIBRA Onlus CRINVE| Scuola di Alta Formazione in...


LAVORARE PER VIVERE PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR DETAINEES AS OPPORTUNITY OF SOCIAL RE-INTEGRATION Description The number of people detained in Italy is increased in the last ten years of 80%, differently from structures and spaces that are always the same and so more and more uninhabitable. The general overcrowding that caused differences among operators of the prison and condemns together with problematics and inhuman aspects (as the decadence of structures and, in some cases, the absence of spaces for sociality, of green areas and any structure for sport) are the result of the lack of priority of a life in prison. Actually less than 30% of the condemns has a work in prison that consists mainly in clean service and preparation/distribution of rooms; in addition, the distance from residential areas with the lack of public transport – that characterise much of the Italian prisons – obstacles also the small percentage of partly-free condemns that work for external employers.   Objectives The intervention proposed intends to achieve the following general purposes Favouring the future social reintegration of the people detained in the Casa Circondariale of Mantua, through an educative and training path, in a human condition that consent them to take their spaces back orienting the condemns to invest their time planning a future dedicated to satisfy not only primary but also secondary needs (Scale of needs of Maslow); Create and potential a formal and informal network on the territory that could translate in a possibility, for the detainee, to obtain a great number of occasions formative and working that consent a real, social and economic reintegration;  Sensitise the territory of...