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In the last 5 years, several schools of the city and of the province of Brescia have invited volunteers of the Associazione Carcere e Territorio – of which the FDE Institute of Mantua and LIBRA Onlus Association (also in Mantua) are historical partners – for create a moment of debate and information on the reality of the prison, through the project that here we present. Basing on the positive experiences obtained and thanking to the interest giving by the theme among students and teachers, the FDE Institute – and so the Advanced High School pf Criminology |CRINVE, in collaboration with ACT Brescia and the Association LIBRA Onlus – think useful to propose a training path to the High Schools of the province of Mantua.

If it is shared, the project, addressed to first classes, will be developed during the 5 years of the school, for following students for all the scholar path. The meetings that will be organised following the instruction of the scholar Institution will have as it formative object both specific arguments linked to the realisation of the principle of legality (according to rules) and themes of actuality as bulling /cyber bulling, the diffusion of drugs and alcohol among students, the correct usage of the Web etc.

In addition, some moments of reflection and debate about the system of the prison will be offered, the theme will be developed facing issues linked to philosophy of the legal right, to different systems of the application of the punishment with right references also to the international normative, as well as the social results linked to the definitive state. The last aim to the training path answer not only to the exigency to offer a cultural enrichment but want to develop a debate on the theme of relevant importance and actuality. Themes popular in the civil society from the laic world to the catholic one, from the institutional to voluntary spaces.


The project want as its specific aim to favour the dialogue between detained people and communities of which they will return to be an element when their punishment ends. We firmly believe that the dialogue can favour an estrangement from the networks that generate crimes (these endure in prison and actually they are created or consoled themselves in prison) and an integration in networks of relationships linked to different contexts with the augmentation of the opportunities of a social integration or a construction of path of autonomy for the person.

We attend also that the realisation of this virtuous path favours a reduction of the possibilities of recidivism that, in our Nation, also thank to the actual system, reach high percentages.



In line with the information mentioned above, the objective of the project “Ne vale la Pena” want to reaffirm a new culture of the legality promoting it first of all among young people, to whom will be furnish some coordinates for better understand the complex mechanisms linked to the administration of the justice, will be also promote and favour reflexions on individual and collective behaviours that originate violation of the penal law with specific referents to the same definitions of crime as designed by our legal system and by the international legal system. Particular attention will be dedicated to the evolution of the concept of “crime” in relation to different historical time. The project, in addition, facilitate the overcome of the relational obstacles between “who is inside” and “who is outside” also thorough the diffusion of the modern principles linked to the achievement of the reparative justice (noticing the restricted field of application) considered an useful instruments for repairing the injury between victim and offender in a perspective of recovering of social relationships without which the punishment (ignoring the constitutional principle) assumes only the punitive character. Vice versa it can tend to the re-education of the reo in a way that give back to society a person fully recovered to the pacific and civil cohabitation. For realising all that described( it is here the high sense of our proposal) is necessary, on the territories, to create networks of collaboration among different educative realities all dedicated to the prevention of deviant behaviour and in the diffusion of model of behaviour socially virtuous and legally significant considered as high-risk for delinquency or victimisation thorough:

  • A directive and correct knowledge of the justice system;
  • A promotion of reflexions on legal and non-legal behaviours, on behaviour considered crime and not, with the aim of the diffusion behaviours in compliance to the legal norms active;
  • The overcome of the stereotypes of the common idea link to “who is inside” and “who is outside” the prison;
  • The diffusion of the principles of reparative justice that consider the crime not only as a moment that is related to the victim and offender, but also as a conflict that involved the entire community as inside which the crime could find an adapt treatise and, where it is possible a solution;
  • The creation of a strong network of collaboration among the educative realities existent on the territory and dedicated to the prevention of deviant behaviour and in the diffusion of models of behaviour legally significant.



Students and teachers of High Schools of the province of Mantua

Working Group

FDE Istituto di Criminologia

ACT Brescia
Associazione Libra Onlus


Referent: Comm. Luigi Caracciolo, tel. 0376.415683 |



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